
3rd Grade Desk Name Tag Charts: Super Hero (Editable)

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3rd Grade Desk Name Tag Charts: Super Hero (Editable)


Our Editable 3rd Grade #DeskNameTag Charts: Super Hero Backgrounds are a great tool for your 3rd grade students.  Our desk  tag charts have language arts and math references that your students use daily in class. The set includes:

  • A #PowerPoint file with 28 pages of desk tag charts;
  • I have  printed the charts one to a page (28 name plates)  and include a text box to add your students’ names;
  • There are seven slides for each of the four background designs;
  • Each name plate measures about 9 inches by 6 inches;

These are the charts that I have included on the desk tags:

  • 6 Syllable Types Chart: uses the acronym CLOVER to highlight the 6 types of syllables;
  • Symbols: punctuation symbols for editing;
  • Multiplication & Division Grid;
  • A Units of Measurement Chart: has length, weight, capacity, and time;
  • Place Value chart to the the millions;
  • Perimeter and Area formulas;
  • Fraction and Decimal chart.

This file is #GoogleSlides compatible.

(Note: The font may not be available in Google Slides. I have used Dreaming Out Loud Pro for the sample font.)

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Our Editable 3rd Grade Desk Tag Charts: Super Hero Backgrounds are a great resource for your primary classroom. Each chart has language arts and math guides that your students will use every day in the classroom.

Grade Levels
3, Homeschool
Classroom Management, Back to School
Activity Length
28 pages
File Format
14.9 MB
32 pages
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