Disguise a Turkey Project: Thanksgiving Writing Activity
The Original Disguise a Turkey Project!
My #DisguiseATurkey Project was one of my favorite activities to do with my students each year. I first used this project in 2009. It has been a hit with my classes each year. Our goal was to design turkey costumes to save them from Thanksgiving.
Each student is a "costume designer," and they must come up with a costume that will be the perfect disguise. The final design includes their turkey in a clever costume and a "Customer Testimonial!" This is a great activity for writing persuasive letters to human customers.
The package includes 9 pages:
- Student project description sheets;
- Student idea sheet;
- Rubrics for the project and the persuasive letter, and;
- Templates for the persuasive letter.
Your students will love Saving The Turkeys One Costume at a Time!
Here's a fun activity to do for Thanksgiving! The "Original" Disguise a Turkey Project is a great way to design costumes to help the turkeys survive the Thanksgiving Holiday!